Articles categorized by "Egypt"

Morsi 'killed' by Egyptian government, son says  News  Al Jazeera

Morsi 'killed' by Egyptian government, son says News Al Jazeera


On January 3rd 2019 the House Proposed HR 25, ‘‘Fair Tax Act of 2019’’- A Bill That Will Destroy the IRS and the Privately Operated Federal Reserve Forever- Goodbye Rothschild : conspiracy

Egyptian President’s Regrettable “60 Minutes”

Egyptian President’s Regrettable “60 Minutes”


Egypt’s Illegitimate President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Historical false flag operation: Suez Crisis in 1956. The valuable Canal had just been nationalised by Egypt. Israel invaded Egypt, and Britain and France seized the canal to "save" Egypt. It was later revealed that the whole invasion was pre-arranged by

Historical false flag operation: Suez Crisis in 1956. The valuable Canal had just been nationalised by Egypt. Israel invaded Egypt, and Britain and France seized the canal to "save" Egypt. It was later revealed that the whole invasion was pre-arranged by


Mohsen Milani on Twitter: "آخرین صحبت های آقای ترامپ: ۱)اگر ایران بپذیرد که سلاح هسته‌ای تولید نکند، او "بهترین دوست ایران" خواهد شد. ۲)بیایید “


Abdullah Morsy(عبدالله محمد مرسي ) on Twitter: "دُفن والدي الرئيس الشهيد ، ومُنع الشعب من تشييع جنازته .. السيسي و أعوانه يرتجفون من مرسي حياً و ميتاً .. رحم الله الرئيس الشهيد محمد مرسي .. قتلوه قتلهم الله


Abdullah Morsy(عبدالله محمد مرسي ) on Twitter: ""ليعلم أبناءنا، أن آباءهم وأجدادهم كانوا رجالاً؛ لا يقبلون الضيم، ولا ينزلون أبدًا على رأي الفسدة، ولا يعطون الدنية أبدًا من وطنهم أو شرعيتهم أو دينهم". رحم الله أبي قتلوه قتلهم الله