Articles categorized by "Civil-War"


The Grand American Deception: Slavery had NOTHING to do With the "Civil War", the North Invaded over Fascism and Money ~

Everything You Know About the Civil War Is Wrong  by Jonathan Clark  Medium

Everything You Know About the Civil War Is Wrong by Jonathan Clark Medium


Radio Station Reports UN Vehicles Entering Chicago, Gets Taken Off The Air - conspiracy

Who Benefits From Police Militarization? (INFO-GRAPHIC)

Who Benefits From Police Militarization? (INFO-GRAPHIC)


What is happening in America with AntiFa is the same thing that happened in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. The globalists start a bunch of riots via social media, provoke authorities into killing protesters, then demand regime change because "the evil leader

WARNING: The Race War is Being Engineered

WARNING: The Race War is Being Engineered


U.K. Far-Left Organization to Bring Its ‘Undercover Operatives’ to the U.S One America News Network


Trump Presidency Is Over - Bannon Is Right Zero Hedge

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated  Foreign Policy Journal

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated Foreign Policy Journal

How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery

How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery

Violent “Color Revolution” in America? Attempted Overthrow of Trump? Threatens to Shred Fabric of American Society  Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Violent “Color Revolution” in America? Attempted Overthrow of Trump? Threatens to Shred Fabric of American Society Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Video: Antifa Rally Turns Violent In Berkeley  The Daily Caller

Video: Antifa Rally Turns Violent In Berkeley The Daily Caller

Video: How White Nationalism Became Normal Online

Video: How White Nationalism Became Normal Online

In 1862, Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph, wrote a book exposing the Civil War as a British (Rothschild) plot : conspiracy

In 1862, Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph, wrote a book exposing the Civil War as a British (Rothschild) plot : conspiracy


The Rothschilds And The Civil War