Articles categorized by "Borders" /   P. 4


Ryan Saavedra on Twitter: "Chuck Schumer in 2009: Physical border barriers made the southern border "far more secure" because they "create a significant barrier to illegal immigration" Chuck Schumer in 2018: Physical border barriers are "unnecessary" and

Hillary Clinton Brags About Voting For A Border Fence To Keep Out Illegal Immigrants - YouTube

Hillary Clinton Brags About Voting For A Border Fence To Keep Out Illegal Immigrants - YouTube


John F. Kelly says his tenure as Trump's chief of staff is best measured by what the president did not do - Los Angeles Times

Livestreamer goes to hand out donuts to children of the caravan, instead finds almost nothing but grown men who swarm him for the donuts while the media circles the one woman and child in the area for photo opp. - conspiracy

Livestreamer goes to hand out donuts to children of the caravan, instead finds almost nothing but grown men who swarm him for the donuts while the media circles the one woman and child in the area for photo opp. - conspiracy

Mexicans claim President Trump was right, call caravan 'terrorist invasion' - YouTube

Mexicans claim President Trump was right, call caravan 'terrorist invasion' - YouTube

The Truth About the Caravan : conspiracy

The Truth About the Caravan : conspiracy


Noam Chomsky On Migrant Caravan: ‘People Are Fleeing From The Misery And Horrors For Which We Are Responsible’


It’s Not a “Conspiracy Theory”


If you see anyone suggest that it's 'only a theory' that Soros conspires to erode borders, flood nations with migrants, or that he's not colluding to shape international policy; here's evidence. - conspiracy


Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border? Zero Hedge

Ejecutivo se reserva información sobre capturas de ISIS

Ejecutivo se reserva información sobre capturas de ISIS

The Trump Administration Is Seeking To Restart Thousands Of Closed Deportation Cases

The Trump Administration Is Seeking To Restart Thousands Of Closed Deportation Cases

Separated parents unknowingly gave up reunification rights, lawyers say  PBS NewsHour

Separated parents unknowingly gave up reunification rights, lawyers say PBS NewsHour


Trump Admin is Now Admitting They ‘Might Be’ Detaining and Separating U.S. Citizens Law


Teen Taken at U.S. Border Tells of ‘Icebox’ Cages With 60 Girls - Bloomberg


Trump Exposes Existence of FEMA Camps Through the Immigration Crisis - Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show


And while I’m on my political soapbox today. : The_Donald

How the US outsourced border security to Mexico - YouTube

How the US outsourced border security to Mexico - YouTube

Honduran father who became the face of the child separation crisis  Daily Mail Online

Honduran father who became the face of the child separation crisis Daily Mail Online

The CIA is covertly using NDI, USAID, NED (the National Endowment for "Democracy") and other groups to undermine real democracy in Nicaragua, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Venezuela, and all of Latin America. -- Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch m

The CIA is covertly using NDI, USAID, NED (the National Endowment for "Democracy") and other groups to undermine real democracy in Nicaragua, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Venezuela, and all of Latin America. -- Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch m

US Latin American Regime-Change Tour Now Playing Nicaragua

US Latin American Regime-Change Tour Now Playing Nicaragua

'Jarring' footage shows young girls being transferred to and from a NYC facility believed to be housing migrant minors

'Jarring' footage shows young girls being transferred to and from a NYC facility believed to be housing migrant minors