Articles categorized by "Constitutiinal-Infringements" /   P. 4

Police To Use TSA-Style Scanners To Spy On People In Public Places - conspiracy

Police To Use TSA-Style Scanners To Spy On People In Public Places - conspiracy

Facebook Issues New Policy Saying It’s Acceptable to Post Death Threats Against Me – Summit News

Facebook Issues New Policy Saying It’s Acceptable to Post Death Threats Against Me – Summit News


Joshua Frank on Twitter: "Barrett Brown is now suspended from Twitter for posting proof he didn't rape a woman. FBI informants who went after him in 2012 say he did. He posted an email screenshot where she admits she lied. He was suspended for 12 hours, then he posted a shot of the notice and was banned." / Twitter

Doubling Down: The Military, Big Bankers and Big Oil Are Not In Climate Denial, They Are in Control and Plan to Keep It That Way.

Doubling Down: The Military, Big Bankers and Big Oil Are Not In Climate Denial, They Are in Control and Plan to Keep It That Way.

US Government Says It Can Indefinitely Detain Anyone...Even US Citizens: “There is no bar to this Nation’s holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant.” - conspiracy

US Government Says It Can Indefinitely Detain Anyone...Even US Citizens: “There is no bar to this Nation’s holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant.” - conspiracy

ATF agents looking for guns and Glock parts stolen and sold by guard

ATF agents looking for guns and Glock parts stolen and sold by guard

NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel  US news  The Guardian

NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel US news The Guardian


"Minority Report" Moment Arrives: Amazon, Facebook Reading Human Emotions Zero Hedge


The Future Is Here: Watch Robot Cop Pull Over Driver And Issue Ticket

Cop Guilty on Multiple Charges of Repeatedly Raping 5yo Girl—Will NOT Go to Jail

Cop Guilty on Multiple Charges of Repeatedly Raping 5yo Girl—Will NOT Go to Jail


Honolulu Police Officer Who Sexually Assaulted 5-Year-Old For Years Gets No Jail Time - Freedom Outpost


Secret Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move From Above

2016: Secret Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move From Above - "Since January, police have been testing an aerial surveillance system adapted from the surge in Iraq. And they neglected to tell the public." - conspiracy

2016: Secret Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move From Above - "Since January, police have been testing an aerial surveillance system adapted from the surge in Iraq. And they neglected to tell the public." - conspiracy

Police: Teen killed herself with gunshot through her mouth while hands cuffed behind back  WCIV

Police: Teen killed herself with gunshot through her mouth while hands cuffed behind back WCIV


Aaron Maté on Twitter: "Trump calls out "military-industrial complex," which "like[s] war"


Text - H.R.672 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2017 Library of Congress

Chinese Social Credit Scoring System is already here in the US... They just call it your "Reputation Score" : conspiracy

Chinese Social Credit Scoring System is already here in the US... They just call it your "Reputation Score" : conspiracy

Florida senate passed anti-semitism bill : conspiracy

Florida senate passed anti-semitism bill : conspiracy


Another incident out of Broward County, Florida. Is it an experiment to see how easily people will accept a police state? - conspiracy


/r/PublicFreakout Mirror Bot - Video ID:bfrwxe

CIA director Gina Haspel called out for complicity in torture - conspiracy

CIA director Gina Haspel called out for complicity in torture - conspiracy

Another example of how they keep even intelligent people controlled. The government claims the Fed is audited every year, but as Rand Paul said "the present audit exempts the Fed's most crucial activities" - conspiracy

Another example of how they keep even intelligent people controlled. The government claims the Fed is audited every year, but as Rand Paul said "the present audit exempts the Fed's most crucial activities" - conspiracy