Articles categorized by "Mother-Teresa-Was-Child-Trafficker" /   P. 2


Another Huge Vatican Linked Pedophile Ring Has Been Exposed – Collective Evolution

Renovation at Vatican embassy in Rome uncovers human remains

Renovation at Vatican embassy in Rome uncovers human remains

Cardinal George Pell: Vatican treasurer found guilty of child sex charges, lifted court order reveals - CNN

Cardinal George Pell: Vatican treasurer found guilty of child sex charges, lifted court order reveals - CNN

Cardinal admits to Vatican summit that Catholic Church destroyed abuse files  National Catholic Reporter

Cardinal admits to Vatican summit that Catholic Church destroyed abuse files National Catholic Reporter

In German Catholic Churches, Child Sex Abuse Victims Top 3,600, Study Finds - The New York Times

In German Catholic Churches, Child Sex Abuse Victims Top 3,600, Study Finds - The New York Times


2 High-Level Govt Child Trafficking Rings Busted and American Media is Silent -

Pennsylvania grand jury report on child sex abuse lists hundreds of accused priests - The Washington Post

Pennsylvania grand jury report on child sex abuse lists hundreds of accused priests - The Washington Post

‘They hid it all’: Catholic priests abused 1,000 children in Pennsylvania, report says

‘They hid it all’: Catholic priests abused 1,000 children in Pennsylvania, report says


Pope Francis hit in face by object thrown from crowd before mass in Chile (VIDEO)


Why the Pope's Visit to Chile Will Be Met With Protests News teleSUR English

The Catholic Church Has Used Almost 4 Billion Settling Child Molestation Lawsuits : conspiracy

The Catholic Church Has Used Almost 4 Billion Settling Child Molestation Lawsuits : conspiracy

AR: Jesuits Linked to Trafficking of Haitian Minors

AR: Jesuits Linked to Trafficking of Haitian Minors


Pope Francis named by eyewitness as child trafficker