Articles categorized by "Police-State" /   P. 4

British Cops Are Building an AI That Flags People for Crimes That Haven't Happened Yet

British Cops Are Building an AI That Flags People for Crimes That Haven't Happened Yet

Mueller Panic Overshadows Jeff Sessions’ Final Attack on Police Oversight, People of Color

Mueller Panic Overshadows Jeff Sessions’ Final Attack on Police Oversight, People of Color

How the CIA Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb

How the CIA Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb

DARPA Seeks FAA Approval For Military Drones Over American Cities By 2030 - At The Latest

DARPA Seeks FAA Approval For Military Drones Over American Cities By 2030 - At The Latest


Twitter has, apparently, suspended the account of journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. : conspiracy

Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media "Just the Beginning," Says Top Neocon Insider - Grayzone Project

Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media "Just the Beginning," Says Top Neocon Insider - Grayzone Project


Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!" / Twitter

Trump says it will be hard to unify country without a ‘major event’  PBS NewsHour

Trump says it will be hard to unify country without a ‘major event’ PBS NewsHour


Facebook Purges Over 800 Accounts With Millions Of Followers;


Twitter Purges 70 Million Accounts In Two Months, Equal To 20% Of Active Monthly Users Zero Hedge


Bolton Pushes Trump To Drop 1987 Treaty After Russia Unveils Advanced Nukes Zero Hedge

In A Corporatist System Of Government, Corporate Censorship Is State Censorship

In A Corporatist System Of Government, Corporate Censorship Is State Censorship

Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2) - YouTube

Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2) - YouTube

Friendly reminder, in 2003, both Democrats and Republicans passed a bill allowing US Govt to spread propaganda to its own citizens, funded by it's own citizens - conspiracy

Friendly reminder, in 2003, both Democrats and Republicans passed a bill allowing US Govt to spread propaganda to its own citizens, funded by it's own citizens - conspiracy


Big Tech Pulls Off "Greatest Bait-And-Switch In American History" As It Turns On Free Speech Zero Hedge


Why Is The Government Buying Dead And Dying Malls?

EU Copyright Directive vote: Articles 11 and 13 approved - The Verge

EU Copyright Directive vote: Articles 11 and 13 approved - The Verge

Apple is building an online portal for police to make data requests - CNET

Apple is building an online portal for police to make data requests - CNET

Dallas officer goes home to wrong apartment, kills man inside - Story  KDFW

Dallas officer goes home to wrong apartment, kills man inside - Story KDFW

Police chief told cops to randomly arrest black people to boost crime stats: probe

Police chief told cops to randomly arrest black people to boost crime stats: probe


I've been a long time contributor/subscriber to this sub. I've seen alot of fucked up shit. This takes the cake. : conspiracy


Supreme Court Ruling: Police Have No Duty to Protect the General Public Tribunist