Articles categorized by "Vaccines" /   P. 2


Naveed Ahmed - I'm sorry, but what's in a vaccine, again...? ?

How Aluminum Became the New Thimerosal - VAXOPEDIA

How Aluminum Became the New Thimerosal - VAXOPEDIA

Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children : conspiracy

Groundbreaking Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Vaccinated Children : conspiracy


Polio Vaccine Infecting More than Wild Virus in Africa: Report News teleSUR English

The same people who failed at science on Agent Orange are in charge of vaccine safety and developmental disorders at the CDC -- Health

The same people who failed at science on Agent Orange are in charge of vaccine safety and developmental disorders at the CDC -- Health

The same scientists who falsely 'proved' Agent Orange perfectly safe are currently in charge of vaccine safety at the CDC - conspiracy

The same scientists who falsely 'proved' Agent Orange perfectly safe are currently in charge of vaccine safety at the CDC - conspiracy

Merck has been accused of committing fraud in its Gardasil vaccine safety trials putting millions of young girls at risk for ovarian failure or even death. - conspiracy

Merck has been accused of committing fraud in its Gardasil vaccine safety trials putting millions of young girls at risk for ovarian failure or even death. - conspiracy


2200 - Facts, peer reviewed papers, and evidences for the danger of vaccines, and how enormous the over exaggeration of the effectiveness of vaccines is. - conspiracy

Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy," "Neutralize" or "Discredit" Dissenting Doctors - CBS News

Merck Created Hit List to "Destroy," "Neutralize" or "Discredit" Dissenting Doctors - CBS News


438 research articles showing vaccine harm : conspiracy


Vaccines Doses - Details - 8.5x11 inches - LTR - vaccines-doses-details-8.5x11-inches-ltr-2.pdf

Funding halted for Professor Chris Exley, who links vaccines to autism  News  The Sunday Times

Funding halted for Professor Chris Exley, who links vaccines to autism News The Sunday Times


Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered news

Study - Vaccination of chickens turns mild viruses into lethal ones, the vaccinated shed the virulent strains which then kill all unvaccinated birds in the same cage - This is why vaccine overuse poses a deadly threat to the immunocompromised, the same mistakes are being made as with antibiotics - conspiracy

Study - Vaccination of chickens turns mild viruses into lethal ones, the vaccinated shed the virulent strains which then kill all unvaccinated birds in the same cage - This is why vaccine overuse poses a deadly threat to the immunocompromised, the same mistakes are being made as with antibiotics - conspiracy


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Instagram: “Dr Paul Thomas showed this study to Oregon Assembly Health Committee this week. An internationally esteemed pediatrician, Dr. Thomas runs…”

The Joe Rogan Show Vaccine Shill Peter Hotez Gets Fully Debunked - conspiracy

The Joe Rogan Show Vaccine Shill Peter Hotez Gets Fully Debunked - conspiracy

Assumptions I had when I was a pro-vaxxer : conspiracy

Assumptions I had when I was a pro-vaxxer : conspiracy

Vaccines, Autism and Brain Damage: What's in a Name? - CBS News

Vaccines, Autism and Brain Damage: What's in a Name? - CBS News

Here's an "outbreak" no one is talking about. Whooping cough outbreak at a school, ALL of them vaccinated. In fact, the kids at the school that were unvaccinated did NOT catch it. : conspiracy

Here's an "outbreak" no one is talking about. Whooping cough outbreak at a school, ALL of them vaccinated. In fact, the kids at the school that were unvaccinated did NOT catch it. : conspiracy


U.S. apologizes for STD experiments in Guatemala - Health - Sexual health NBC News


Dr. Andrew Zimmerman’s full Affidavit on alleged link between vaccines and autism that U.S. govt. covered up Sharyl Attkisson

Neurologist Andrew Zimmerman Fired by DOJ for Change of Opinion - Jeffrey Dach MD

Neurologist Andrew Zimmerman Fired by DOJ for Change of Opinion - Jeffrey Dach MD