Articles categorized by "Venuzuela"


SPECIAL REPORT-Venezuela wields a powerful

US Senate Hearing Unveils Trump's Plans Against Venezuela  News  teleSUR English

US Senate Hearing Unveils Trump's Plans Against Venezuela News teleSUR English


Max Blumenthal on Twitter: "The US govt just stole possibly hundreds of millions from a Venezuelan account at Citibank and transferred it into the Federal Reserve, using Juan Guaido’s mafia as cover. Straight up piracy without consequence." / Twitter

Venezuelan Army Dismantles 'Los Rastrojos' Base In Tachira  News  teleSUR English

Venezuelan Army Dismantles 'Los Rastrojos' Base In Tachira News teleSUR English

Venezuela: Maduro Concerned Over Colombian Aggressions  News  teleSUR English

Venezuela: Maduro Concerned Over Colombian Aggressions News teleSUR English


Ben Norton on Twitter: "Help! These Venezuelans at a bar in central Caracas last night are clearly suffering from a humanitarian crisis! Look at them dancing, drinking, eating, having fun. The horror! Only Donald Trump and the blood-soaked US empire can save them - like it saved Iraq, Libya, and Syria!" / Twitter

'John Bolton tried to assassinate me': Interview with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro  The Grayzone

'John Bolton tried to assassinate me': Interview with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro The Grayzone

I know it's not the hot topic right now but I find it VERY odd that this Venezuelan troop is using a suppressed AR57. This rifle is set up to feed rounds from a top mounted P90 magazine, and drops the casings into the gutted magazine at the bottom. : conspiracy

I know it's not the hot topic right now but I find it VERY odd that this Venezuelan troop is using a suppressed AR57. This rifle is set up to feed rounds from a top mounted P90 magazine, and drops the casings into the gutted magazine at the bottom. : conspiracy

Venezuela: Socialist 'Death Squads' Targeting Opposition Activists

Venezuela: Socialist 'Death Squads' Targeting Opposition Activists

New Electromagnetic Attack Against Venezuelan Power Grid  News  teleSUR English

New Electromagnetic Attack Against Venezuelan Power Grid News teleSUR English

Maduro Pens Powerful Response to UN High Commissioner  News  teleSUR English

Maduro Pens Powerful Response to UN High Commissioner News teleSUR English


(1) Aaron Maté on Twitter: "Trump admin's sanctions on Venezuela (, Iran (, Cuba (, Syria (


(3) Daniel McAdams on Twitter: "A stupid, dangerous, and cruel move. Syria was almost destroyed by west-backed al-Qaeda and ISIS and now out of cruelty west is denying them ability to recover." / Twitter

U.S. Sanctions Block Medicine from Venezuela, Killing Thousands

U.S. Sanctions Block Medicine from Venezuela, Killing Thousands

Trump Admits He Does Not Want To Get Too Involved in Venezuela  News  teleSUR English

Trump Admits He Does Not Want To Get Too Involved in Venezuela News teleSUR English

Venezuela Reveals Video, Audio Evidence Linked to April 30 Coup  News  teleSUR English

Venezuela Reveals Video, Audio Evidence Linked to April 30 Coup News teleSUR English


Elliott Abrams Denies Failure of US Regime Change Policy in Venezuela News teleSUR English

How Sen. Rick Scott became Big Oil's point man on Venezuelan regime change  The Grayzone

How Sen. Rick Scott became Big Oil's point man on Venezuelan regime change The Grayzone

Pompeo Blabs Venezuela Plot - Sputnik International

Pompeo Blabs Venezuela Plot - Sputnik International

Secretary of State Pompeo says uniting Venezuelan opposition ‘devilishly difficult’ - The Washington Post

Secretary of State Pompeo says uniting Venezuelan opposition ‘devilishly difficult’ - The Washington Post


Max Blumenthal on Twitter: "“Venezuela is under a US embargo and its exports of oil to the US have collapsed. Companies that do business with it face secondary sanctions. The US is even targeting its CLAP food distribution program. This is all due to mismanagement and we are NOT the hipster arm of empire!”" / Twitter


Tim Gill on Twitter: "Juan Guaidó travels around with “a personal astrologer.”" / Twitter