Articles categorized by "Florida-Shooting" /   P. 2

"One of the students had put on a bulletproof vest." - conspiracy

"One of the students had put on a bulletproof vest." - conspiracy


Who the hell writes their own name on a question? : conspiracy

BOMBSHELL: Florida mass shooting was ALLOWED to happen: Four deputies stood down, led by egomaniacal sheriff exposed as an anti-gun Democrat operative seeking fame –

BOMBSHELL: Florida mass shooting was ALLOWED to happen: Four deputies stood down, led by egomaniacal sheriff exposed as an anti-gun Democrat operative seeking fame –

VIDEO: Hero Teacher From School Massacre Said Shooter Was Dressed Like a Cop in Full SWAT Tactical Gear – True PunditTrue Pundit

VIDEO: Hero Teacher From School Massacre Said Shooter Was Dressed Like a Cop in Full SWAT Tactical Gear – True PunditTrue Pundit


Parkland student: 'Secret Service was present, changed school security policy, several weeks before shooting'

The Real Conspiracy Behind the Florida School Shooting - conspiracy

The Real Conspiracy Behind the Florida School Shooting - conspiracy


James Snead, 48 — Military Intelligence Analyst, the homeowner were Nick Cruz was living 3 months – InvestmentWatch

Nikolas heard "voice of god"

Nikolas heard "voice of god"


Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter's bullet: 'Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before'


JohnnyBravo on Twitter: "My name is John Bouchell and I am not a bot. I was in school administration after spending a stint in the military. Let me explain: As usual, I was a teacher, a coach and later became an administrator. I worked at all three levels


Kevin Hogg (father of David Hogg) works for Cubic, a defense contractor which specializes in Unconventional Warfare


FBI Tipster Transcript Leaked: Cruz Will "Get Into A School And Shoot The Place Up" Zero Hedge

Sheriff’s officer who did ‘nothing’ to stop Florida shooter resigns  New York Post

Sheriff’s officer who did ‘nothing’ to stop Florida shooter resigns New York Post


Everyone is so focused on David Hogg's father being a former FBI agent, they are missing the fact that the shooter's legal guardian, James Snead, is military intelligence. This and other astounding facts laid out in the latest analysis from Miles Mathis a

I know we've heard enough about David Hogg, but I need some help analyzing this bizarre interview. Please listen closely: 0:32 David: "Do you want to say anything else?" Girl: "No." *David Whispers*: "C'mon, we need diversity." I can't think of a good exp

I know we've heard enough about David Hogg, but I need some help analyzing this bizarre interview. Please listen closely: 0:32 David: "Do you want to say anything else?" Girl: "No." *David Whispers*: "C'mon, we need diversity." I can't think of a good exp


Oops! David Hogg Recorded His Gun Control Interview 5 Hours Before School Shooting Squawker


HUGE VIDEO EVIDENCE: MUST WATCH David Hogg, Son of FBI agent caught on video "interviewing" student about shooting 4 HOURS ahead of Actual Shooting GOPReload


Parkland student David Hogg during the Florida school shooting - YouTube

Just Coincidence : conspiracy

Just Coincidence : conspiracy


Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave Me "Scripted Question" After Denying Question About Armed Guards Video RealClearPolitics


Stoneman Douglas Highschool Shooting Experience - YouTube

David Hogg - who was in the FL school shooting

David Hogg - who was in the FL school shooting