Articles categorized by "Florida-Shooting" /   P. 3

Student David Hogg during Florida school shooting: 'It's time to take a stand' on gun control

Student David Hogg during Florida school shooting: 'It's time to take a stand' on gun control

Confirmed: David Hogg Works For John Podesta’s ‘Center For American Progress’ - conspiracy

Confirmed: David Hogg Works For John Podesta’s ‘Center For American Progress’ - conspiracy

VIDEO: Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor is Son of FBI Agent; MSM Helps Prop Up Incompetent Bureau – True PunditTrue Pundit

VIDEO: Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor is Son of FBI Agent; MSM Helps Prop Up Incompetent Bureau – True PunditTrue Pundit


Somethings aren't adding up in the Stoneman Douglas Shooting After Action Reporting World History History In Review

Meet crisis actor David Hogg, Son of FBI agent Kevin Hogg : conspiracy

Meet crisis actor David Hogg, Son of FBI agent Kevin Hogg : conspiracy

VIDEO: Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor is Son of FBI Agent; MSM Helps Prop Up Incompetent Bureau - conspiracy

VIDEO: Outspoken Trump-Hating School Shooting Survivor is Son of FBI Agent; MSM Helps Prop Up Incompetent Bureau - conspiracy

David Hogg was on CBS news 5 months ago. In LA. - conspiracy

David Hogg was on CBS news 5 months ago. In LA. - conspiracy

Honest Sheriff - conspiracy

Honest Sheriff - conspiracy

Family Members Say Florida School Shooter Was On Antidepressants for Emotional Issues

Family Members Say Florida School Shooter Was On Antidepressants for Emotional Issues

FBI was warned about shooter in Jan and did NOTHING. - conspiracy

FBI was warned about shooter in Jan and did NOTHING. - conspiracy

ANOTHER SANDY HOOK! Lawmakers agree to destroy site of school carnage: ‘This building has to come down’ - conspiracy

ANOTHER SANDY HOOK! Lawmakers agree to destroy site of school carnage: ‘This building has to come down’ - conspiracy

Florida Shooting - Did the FBI screw up THIS BAD? - conspiracy

Florida Shooting - Did the FBI screw up THIS BAD? - conspiracy

Local law enforcement: No known ties between militia and school shooter

Local law enforcement: No known ties between militia and school shooter

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans – Foreign Policy

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans – Foreign Policy

FBI was warned about alleged shooter nearly 5 months ago, tipster says - CNN

FBI was warned about alleged shooter nearly 5 months ago, tipster says - CNN

Nikolas Cruz said he wanted to be 'professional school shooter' - NY Daily News

Nikolas Cruz said he wanted to be 'professional school shooter' - NY Daily News

Student speaks about suspect after Florida school shooting leaves 17 dead - YouTube

Student speaks about suspect after Florida school shooting leaves 17 dead - YouTube

Student from the school of the Florida shooting said she was with the suspected shooter at the same time shots went off. Claims there had to be more than 1 shooter. : conspiracy

Student from the school of the Florida shooting said she was with the suspected shooter at the same time shots went off. Claims there had to be more than 1 shooter. : conspiracy


Student at Florida shooting says she saw 2 shooters and that the school had been doing drills specifically preparing for school shootings. - conspiracy




Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting in Parkland, Florida – Miscopy