Articles categorized by "New-Folder" /   P. 2


Two helicopter snipers were deployed on the night of the 1 October massacre, police records show

Congress just passed a law preventing Trump from going it alone and launching a military strike on Iran. Why is there a media blackout on this story? Who controls the media and why are they pushing for nuclear war? - conspiracy

Congress just passed a law preventing Trump from going it alone and launching a military strike on Iran. Why is there a media blackout on this story? Who controls the media and why are they pushing for nuclear war? - conspiracy


Military helicopter drops ammunition can on Parkland Elementary roof - KVIA

Rand Paul on Congress' Move to Give the President Unlimited War Powers: Handing war-making power from Congress to the executive branch is not an exercise in congressional power. It is the final and full abandonment of that power. It is wrong, it is uncons

Rand Paul on Congress' Move to Give the President Unlimited War Powers: Handing war-making power from Congress to the executive branch is not an exercise in congressional power. It is the final and full abandonment of that power. It is wrong, it is uncons

Senators Have a New Plan to Expand Indefinite Detention and Endless Global War  American Civil Liberties Union

Senators Have a New Plan to Expand Indefinite Detention and Endless Global War American Civil Liberties Union


Las Vegas officers describe storming shooter Stephen Paddock's hotel room - CBS News

Vegas body cam vs media photos. Table cloth and plates are not the same. : conspiracy

Vegas body cam vs media photos. Table cloth and plates are not the same. : conspiracy


LVMPD officer inside Paddock's room: "We do not have a broken window"


Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law Zero Hedge

Federal Agents Zeroed In On New Mystery Man in Las Vegas Shooting; But FBI Brass Protected Him From Interrogations – True PunditTrue Pundit

Federal Agents Zeroed In On New Mystery Man in Las Vegas Shooting; But FBI Brass Protected Him From Interrogations – True PunditTrue Pundit

Debunking the myth/propaganda I keep seeing about the Cloud Act. The truth is it does requires a warrant. : conspiracy

Debunking the myth/propaganda I keep seeing about the Cloud Act. The truth is it does requires a warrant. : conspiracy

US Congress quietly slips cloud-spying powers into page 2,201 of spending mega-bill : conspiracy

US Congress quietly slips cloud-spying powers into page 2,201 of spending mega-bill : conspiracy

EFF on twitter: "Today is a dark day for the Internet. Congress just passed the Internet censorship bill SESTA/FOSTA." Within hours of the bill passing, reddit moved to censor 100s of communities. The Pandora's Box has been opened, and the modern internet

EFF on twitter: "Today is a dark day for the Internet. Congress just passed the Internet censorship bill SESTA/FOSTA." Within hours of the bill passing, reddit moved to censor 100s of communities. The Pandora's Box has been opened, and the modern internet

Ten Senate Democrats Help Pentagon Continue War Efforts In Yemen

Ten Senate Democrats Help Pentagon Continue War Efforts In Yemen

ohaioohio comments on Democrats Propose Rules to Break up Broadband Monopolies

ohaioohio comments on Democrats Propose Rules to Break up Broadband Monopolies


D James: "VEGAS SHOOTING FINALLY 2ND MAN PROOF (PART ONE OF TWO.).....FINALLY" start at 4:50... Part 2 is in the SS. - conspiracy


Sanders, Lee and Murphy Introduce Yemen War Powers Resolution

S. 1693 - Criminalizes site owners for content posted by users. Up for vote in the house. Call your representative. : conspiracy

S. 1693 - Criminalizes site owners for content posted by users. Up for vote in the house. Call your representative. : conspiracy

Stephen Paddock Autopsy Reveals Time Of Death At 1200 Hours (Noon) The NEXT DAY - conspiracy

Stephen Paddock Autopsy Reveals Time Of Death At 1200 Hours (Noon) The NEXT DAY - conspiracy

The official autopsy says Stephen Paddock's time of death was NOON on 10/02. Also problems with Prelim report - conspiracy

The official autopsy says Stephen Paddock's time of death was NOON on 10/02. Also problems with Prelim report - conspiracy


Clark County Coroner releases autopsy for 6'-1" body with bad, missing, teeth but Stephen Paddock was 6'-4" with good teeth