Articles categorized by "New-Folder" /   P. 4


Cosponsors - H.R.1697 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Israel Anti-Boycott Act Library of Congress


You Do NOT Have the Right to Film the Police, Rules Federal Court, Paving Way for SCOTUS The Daily Sheeple

USA Liberty Act Won’t Fix What’s Most Broken with NSA Internet Surveillance  Electronic Frontier Foundation

USA Liberty Act Won’t Fix What’s Most Broken with NSA Internet Surveillance Electronic Frontier Foundation


Multiple Shooters: Route 91 Massacre Survivor Saw Brass Shell Casings Strewn across Tropicana Parking Lot Upon His Retreat The Daily Sheeple


Rense Analysis - Vegas Shooters In Black Camo On RV Roof - Freeze Frame Photos!


Security officer currently guarding Mandalay Bay's 32nd-floor says he doesn't know, has never seen, Jesus Campos


Private paramilitary firm worked hand-in-hand with LVMPD on the night of the Las Vegas massacre

New Vegas video obtained by a lawyer showed on Tucker last night - conspiracy

New Vegas video obtained by a lawyer showed on Tucker last night - conspiracy


Las Vegas Shooting: Radar shows Aircraft landing on top of resort 10 minutes after shooting stops and 4 minutes prior to LVPD Helicopter - conspiracy


Video Proof: There Were At Least 7 Different Shooters During The Las Vegas Massacre The Daily Sheeple


New Audio From The Night Of The Las Vegas Massacre Reveals That There Was “Another Active Shooter” In The Bar At The Top Of The Mandalay Bay Hotel During The Attack

Top ten questions all intelligent people must ask following the Texas church mass shooting –

Top ten questions all intelligent people must ask following the Texas church mass shooting –

The Las Vegas shooting and the mass arrests in Saudi Arabia. What connection could there be? : conspiracy

The Las Vegas shooting and the mass arrests in Saudi Arabia. What connection could there be? : conspiracy

All hell is breaking loose in Saudi Arabia. - conspiracy

All hell is breaking loose in Saudi Arabia. - conspiracy

Something big is happening in Saudi Arabia right now. Kushner makes unplanned trip a week ago, SA shoots down missile from Yemen today, then they arrest 11 princes including the one that owned part of 4 Seasons in Mandalay Bay. Links inside. - conspiracy

Something big is happening in Saudi Arabia right now. Kushner makes unplanned trip a week ago, SA shoots down missile from Yemen today, then they arrest 11 princes including the one that owned part of 4 Seasons in Mandalay Bay. Links inside. - conspiracy

Rand Paul’s S.532 stop arming terrorist act introduced 3-26-17. - conspiracy

Rand Paul’s S.532 stop arming terrorist act introduced 3-26-17. - conspiracy


Vegas flight records reveal well-planned air assault and elaborate getaway extraction all possible


Radar flight data supports Las Vegas shooting helicopter theory


Radar flight data supports Las Vegas shooting helicopter theory : conspiracy

BREAKING: FBI Agents Quietly Told to Stop Investigating Vegas Shooter Paddock’s Travels, Cash Linked to Terrorism Hot Beds - conspiracy

BREAKING: FBI Agents Quietly Told to Stop Investigating Vegas Shooter Paddock’s Travels, Cash Linked to Terrorism Hot Beds - conspiracy

make money as an amazon reseller - Google Search

make money as an amazon reseller - Google Search

Wow!! Vegas officers "accidentally" fired 'a round OR rounds' in Paddock's room ! Confirmed . WTF!! : conspiracy

Wow!! Vegas officers "accidentally" fired 'a round OR rounds' in Paddock's room ! Confirmed . WTF!! : conspiracy